
Greg Elsey

Resilience is an important skill to have in the workplace.

In today’s working environment, the resilience of individuals and organisations is critical for business success.

I think the last couple of years has shown the importance of resilience, and what can happen if those skills are lacking.

Resilience is the ability to cope with the challenges and issues that are faced in life, and to learn and grow from the experience.

Resilience can be learnt, and draws on knowledge of rational thinking, physical and emotional health, emotional intelligence, and your relationships with people around you.

Resilient people view difficulties as challenges and opportunities, look at failures as feedback and opportunities to learn. Resilient people have clear goals and objectives. They are aware of positive and negative thinking habits.

When you are ready to learn how to become more resilient, my workshop on developing resilience will help.

Sunday January 1st, 2023
Wednesday November 17th, 2021

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